Sunday, November 12, 2006

Sleepless in Mumbai

*sigh* My son is growing up. Last night was the first night he didn’t want to nurse…until 4 in the morning! That of course didn’t stop me from getting up on auto pilot every couple of hours, and it didn’t stop him from wanting to be rocked back to sleep during my semi-wakeful bouts. Hubby, naturally was blissfully unaware of the turmoil in my mind (Why isn’t he nursing? Is he sick? Maybe he doesn’t like the taste of milk anymore… what if he refuses to drink any more milk? So now my milk is not good enough for him, huh? Just like a man to want something one instant, and the moment he gets it, he loses interest! Ha! ), after a restful nights’ sleep wakes up, smiles pleasantly and asks for coffee. Poor chap. It was the wrong thing to have asked. I nearly bit his head off, and he hurriedly retreated to the bathroom with his morning paper, and refused to emerge until sanity made a comeback.

In the meanwhile, the other man in my life was up and about and smiling sunnily as though he had no hand in driving his poor mother up the wall with worry. Still, I have chosen to look at the bright side of this new development.

  1. Longer hours of sleep- translating to black circs. around the eyes retreating to manageable levels. Now I can stop looking like a reality show participant.
  2. More time can be spent away from Pickwick- meaning we can now sneak in that odd movie or two.
  3. Pickwick will (hopefully) not scream blue murder every time we step out with him coz he wants me to nurse him in the middle of a mall/ restaurant/ train/ wedding/ funeral and other public places with absolutely no privacy
  4. My bust can now return to normal proportions, and (again, hopefully) head northwards again.

    I was just beginning to cheer up again, when Pickwick looks at me, gives me a killer smile (complete with just one tooth) and promptly settles down on my lap to nurse.
    OK. So maybe it isn’t just time yet for point four. But we’re getting there. In the meanwhile, I’m planning a killer wardrobe to be worn at the beach, all in my head.


Anonymous said...

Tatada..tatada....pickwick baby growing up!!! Of all the people, I'd never have expected to read a post like this from you...but I guess motherhood has that kind of mad magical effect? How're u doing?

La vida Loca said...

well..hate to brust your bubble but teething could be painful and make him cry all night long and they bite everything( including the breasts) you might want to consider teething rings for him and painkillers as needed :D

Rajesh Rajoo said...

ugh... when does he start on beer?

Cloudy said...

HaHa! Wait till you want to wean him completely - he will just NOT let go!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Exactly, a month and half for our wager. One of us gets richer. I have already sent my money down to Bombay, btw! Just in case you manage the unmanageable! Just keeping you on your toes.

Keshi said...

poor u then. Well it'll only be for a while..then u can SLEEP AGAIN IN MUMBAI :)


Sense's Lenses said...

smithy:Um... how do you think i'm doing- you jusdt met me last night!

Loca: *shudder* Just when i was thinking it could only get better from here on....

Bloom: proxy beer ok with you? like i drink the beer and he gets beer-flavoured milk.

Cloudy: thanks for bursting my bubble. now i have NOTHING to look forward to! (sob)

Brad: good thinking. why don't you ask smithy just how i've managed?

Keshi: that's what I'm desperately hoping will happen. Provided it isn't diwali or ganesh Chaturthy in Mumbai.

Cloudy said...

Hehehe that's what other moms are for *evil grin*

Anonymous said...

The bet was on for 28-32. I hope you are almost there! You know, I am on your side! :)

Rajesh Rajoo said...

blossome, proxey beer ees note ok. how he eats ooruga weet proxey beer. no. no.

Anonymous said...

Hey! I like the way ur posts romanticize motherhood. njoy reading ur posts. Keep writing!

Sense's Lenses said...

Cloudy: correction- thats what other EVIL moms are for!

brad: 32???? 32??? what 32? you think i'm a freaking firang with no hips????? do the worlds child bearing mean anything to you?

bloom: ooruga- shmmoruga- i yam liking on the rocks!

Priaa:Thanks!!! look forward to more posts on your blog!

Varatanu said...

all in your head!

Sense's Lenses said...

yeah, Ruch, all in my head. beaches and
pickwick at this stage are a recipie for unmitigated disaster. On the other hand... Hmmmmmmm