Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Ode- To a C'Ode

There's nothing more sorry to behold,
than a lady with a cold...

...sorrier still
is that lady was over the hill

But the sorriest of all
is if this lady's son looks set to bawl!


Anonymous said...

Just when you thought that I have given up on reading your stuff, or keeping in touch, nopes, here I am. I haven't forgotten that wager that we had; I hope you haven't either! Will definitely call to converse with PickWick. Have been reading Berlitz' "How to do baby-talk" Very Very difficult. No Idea what the author babbled on for pages! :-( I will be discussing theory of relativity with my godson, instead; I think he is ready!

PS: Yes, I have been guilty of not visiting this page in a long time; guilty of not keeping in touch, guilty of not calling, guilty of not penning. Guilty, guilty, meeeeee laaard! Mujhe maaaaf kar doh! *Where the heck is that glycerin when I need it the most*

IdeaSmith said...

Poor heartphelt sybatees...

Sense's Lenses said...

Brad:Lard? are you trying to hint at something? i must say, it is MOst vexing, that bet, but Busting my Butt getting there (pretty picture, eh?:D)

Smithy: thangx. though i would hab been habbier if sybathees was accompanied by chigen soop. Delivered in Person

Rajesh Rajoo said...
