Yes, the Cheez is Mast-mast. So's the cheese. It's a must. Switzreland- a land of snow, cows with cow-bells, belles, man-made engineering marvels and God-made astounding beauty. Not to forget Indians crawling out from under every rock, pebble and boulder.
On the way to Pliatus. Love the cow-bells.

Mount Titlis (don't snigger- that is teh name)- The journey by Cable Car

He He. This was right next door to Our Hotel In Lucerne

Mount Titlis (STOP it.) from Mount Pilatus

I make a fine Snow angel!
Picture postcard- The Interlaken-Lucerne Journey

Kleine Sheidegg-Jungfraujoch Journey

Minus 6 Degrees. The birds don't seem to mind.
The first glimpse of the Peaks of Jungfrau

The plains and Mountains on the way to Jungfrau