Friday, February 13, 2009

Visit to the Homeland

The recent visit to India had me behaving like the typical NRI, as I sheepishly admit.

Here are the following rookie NRI faux pas I committed:
  • As soon as I landed, I commented on the noise levels in the city at 1 am in the morning
  • Almost threw up in the vehicle after being treated to road-rash style driving
  • Visited the temple – in traditional garb, not sparing Pickwick either
  • Managed to infest kid with virus
  • Managed to catch the aforementioned virus myself
  • Was surprised that the country has not frozen in time and has managed to move on in the years that we were missing
  • Commented on how expensive things had become and started sentences with ‘I remember back in my days when…’
  • Clicked photographs of absolutely arbit. things which I now found hilarious (a key chain advertising ‘steel balls’ and a billboard for ‘sham publicity’)
  • Had the junk food off the streets and marvelled at it, swore it was nothing short of gourmet
  • However, did drink only mineral water, in case I caught something
  • Caught something anyways
  • Accidentally let the accent slip to a friend – and didn’t hear the end of it for the rest of the trip.
  • Thoroughly enjoyed the rickshaw ride, and pooh-poohed at the natives who were sputtering at the pollution levels – and went giddy breathing in the concentrated levels of carbon monoxide.
  • Caught with the 159 relatives who live in the city, mostly on a single day. Had Pickwick thoroughly confused on the number of tatas and pattis he has. He didn’t mind much though – his equation is simple: the number of relatives are directly proportional to the number if goodies you get. (‘pwesents!’)
  • Went to relatives houses with chocolate, and got desi sweets in the bargain - and wondered for the nth time, why on earth they preferred the chocolates.
  • Stacked up on the DVDs of our traditional mythological heroes (Hanuman and Ganesha) despite Pickwick not watching more than 60 seconds of anything, unless it’s a song and dance sequence
  • Refused to move around in anything but tops, capris and cut-offs, and worked on my ‘tan’
  • Went overboard with sending off clothes to the ‘ironwallah’ since I wasn’t the one doing the ironing
  • Had to be frequently reminded by relatives to ‘just leave the dishes’ after a meal, I didn’t need to wash up afterwards *bliss*

    Future visits will possibly iron out these quirks… although I’m rather hoping I can just get back to being the desi who’s visited by the NR relative.


Anonymous said...

mineral water haan? thats NRI enough... next time you might want to up the ante with "sparkled" water (if thats what they call it)...

the noise and pollution part is old enough to be phased out...

ps: i am out of india for two weeks now and i'm doing the same stuff desi's do outside india... click photographs to glory...

Varatanu said...

i remember back in the days when....
how long has it been
Ms. NRI ---- my desi girl

Sense's Lenses said...

iyer: any visits to this side of the globe? please let us know. we shall try not to ruin your photos...

ruch: Back in the days... well lets not go there - still the desi at heart!

La vida Loca said...


ppl always go to temples in trad garb no? and to poojas?

La vida Loca said...

did u mean iyer 9 yards tht case its awesome!

Sense's Lenses said...

loca: absolutely... erm - skipped the nine yards, too hot! Although, I kid you not - I did see a few kids in mufflers and monkey caps.