Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Pick -asso

That's Pickwick's first recognisable work of art. It's a doggie, in case you couldn't figure out what it was... it's got 2 eyes, a nose, and mouth and 2 legs... *sigh* my son's a genius!


Anonymous said...

Introduce him to the works of Degas and Picasso. And hebby noo yurr!!!


Sense's Lenses said...

@ smithy: right now, it's more postman pat, that picasso, but he'll get there.
warm noo yurr wishes 2u2.

Rajesh Rajoo said...

genius! now why couldn't dogs have jus two legs? two legs, two eyes, a nose and a mouth... now that's genius. add a bark and you have a dawg! genius!

did he, like, forget the tail? you know a wag makes a dog complete. didn't ya tell him that blossomes?

Anonymous said...

long overdue for a post :)

wildflower said...

this is cute :)