Thursday, October 09, 2008

resolutions, then and now

What a difference a decade makes...

Then: this year, i shall NOT get drunk.
Now: This year I'm hoping to go to a party which serves drinks that are Not in a spill-proof cup

Then: This year, I shall meet my prince Charming
Now: This year, i hope the Prince still remains charming

Then: Greatest Achievements: radical new building design
now: Greatest Achievements: potty training Pickwick

Then: Most often heard singing: Comfortably Numb
Now: Most often heard singing: Do Re Mi

Then: Ambition: Aga Khan Award for Architectural Excellence
Now: Ambition: Making it home before Pickwick's asleep

Then: idea of a Fun night out: Noisy Disco getting pickled
now: Idea of a fun night out: Any Night out is fun, as long as it's a. Child friendly
b. resistant to breakage
c. lets you get back home without any trips to A & E

Then: fun adventure – para gliding in Goa
Now: fun adventure – a guilty trip to the movies minus Pickwick

Then: happiest when – alone with work and music
Now: happiest when – alone with Pickwick and Music

Then: late nights – back home at four, nap, shower and out of the house at seven
Now: late nights – back home at eleven, sing baby to sleep, load dishwasher, load washing machine, do three sentences of quiet reading, and just as your head touches the pillow, it's morning again – as happily pointed out by a Gleeful Pickwick bouncing on your tummy

Then: Tummy – flat and meant for flaunting
Now: tummy – soft and meant for supporting little (and not-so-little)heads while sleeping

Then: pencil test – passed with flying colours
Now: wont even pass a rolling pin test

Then: when buying clothes, make sure they fit, and the rest is taken care of by mommy
Now: when buying, make sure they're stain resistant, crease resistant and drool resistant. And oh – wait for the sales.

Then: choosy about food – I'm not putting that into my mouth
Now: food? As long as I'm not cooking, who cares?

Then: idea of a good house – fit for the architectural digest
Now: idea of a good house – one where Pickwick wont manage to cause major harm to either himself or the furniture

Then: Idea of travel - 2 pair of jeans and plenty of clean undies, trusty SLR
Now: Idea of travel - 2 pairs of jeans, plenty of clean undies, baby buggy, six pairs of spare clothing, healthy snacky food, juice, sunhat, first aid kit... and baa lamb if there's space

Then: Nothing cheers you up like good food and the company of good friends
NOw: Nothing cheers you up like good food and the company of good friends

Glad to know some things never change...


Anonymous said...

then: awesome post
now: awesome post

how old is pickwick now? has he met the queen yet?

Sense's Lenses said...

Iyer: theng ewe...
PIckwick is 2 and a half. and he's met plenty of queens here whom he politely calls - pretty uncles!

Cloudy said...

No diapers in your travel kit? I used to need a separate suitcase just for them. Oh wait... you've potty trained Pickwick already!

Anonymous said...

LOL!! lovely post...

EggHe/\D said...

Simbly soopper ... much fun and this is the way my own elder sister is going to end up I guess ...
thnkew ..

Nikhil Narayanan said...

This is one ROFL post!


Anonymous said...

:) lovely post....

Iya said...

Lovely.. came here thru Desi Pundit.. its suppose to be humorous but i do feel a ting of sadness too.. correct me if i am wrong..

silverine said...

Too good!!

Cam here via Desipundit!

Sense's Lenses said...

hey wow!I'm touched by the many comments! thanks!

cloudy: almost- it's funny, but he's completely potty trained when i'm around, but he won't 'go' with anybody else.

Mathew: thanks! :)

egg'ed: If all goes well, this is the way YOU'll end up as well.

NIkhil: :) yes, other people's misery alwys gives us great

Chandni: thanks!

Iya: erm... more like nostalgia. would you call nostalgia a tad sad?

Silverine: thanks! no idea i was on Desipundit

Anonymous said...

oh finally! ur awake and post is v phunny

Anonymous said...

nice..nostalgic..seems like uve been a tad lonely off late..

Anonymous said...

Hilarious ... and yes the last thing alone never changes. I am happy in the now.

Varatanu said...

i simply adore you - if only pickwick turns out like you- the legacy would continue
i miss you and your wise ones

Rajesh Rajoo said...

blossomes? eet ees ewe? welcomes backe.

Sense's Lenses said...

loca: yes, back from the dead, eh?

trooper: again, nostalgic yes, lonely? not quite. still doen't stop you from missing your 'usual gang of idiots', though. :)

Maduraiveeran: attaboy!

Ruch: come over to London! we'll have an absolute ball!;)

bloom: ais, ais. 'ow ees? ewe be missing me, ais? ewe have not eaten out lately? our 'gluttons' be languishing!

Prats said...

Fantastic post....looks like its been a hectic life for you. I'm sure if left to you, you would even carry the tricycle in your baggage , if it meant the kid keeps quiet and lets you rest on your holiday...
at least I would :(

Rajesh Rajoo said...

eye knows blossomes. our gluttons ees malnurished. ewe likes my pun? eye eats outs and gets runs. so how eye writes? ewe tell!

Sense's Lenses said...

prats: i would, i would!! only, i KNOW that after exactly 5.86 seconds, pickwick would either get bored or tired, and i'd end up carrying both him and the tricycle!

Bloom: ayyo! so you are now doings a run on the blogg! how ewes liking my puns? very 'currant' no?

EggHe/\D said...

@Sense - Thanks for the kind comment. I don't usually go near to anything smelling poetry. I suck at understanding poetry. I am still struggling with JAlfred Prufrock ...

Sense's Lenses said...

Egg'ed: well, there's always Nash. you must love Nash. nobody in his right mind can detest Nash.

EggHe/\D said...

Well Nash I don't know. John Nash was it?

Sense's Lenses said...

surely you jest! I was refering to Nash, first name : Ogden. There's going to be no Country for ol' Sense, now.

EggHe/\D said...

Got that "sense". Well "Its going to hurt just a little bit"...baaah!! Period.

Sense's Lenses said...

egg'ed!: awww, just as we were getting warmed up... how 'bout a comma, for now? or a semi colon?

EggHe/\D said...

@sense - Well well if you understand poetry then adopt "tyros" like me and teach ...And for that semi colon thingie, lets agree on a comma maybe :)
Great fun anyways.

Anonymous said...
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Kau said...

lovely !
This needs to be published!