Wednesday, March 07, 2007

London on a Student Budget

Images of London- when you have no Budget to speak of, and not nearly enough days...
Tower Bridge. One of the most photographed places in London

The tower of London. Infamous for its numerous executions.

The Big Ben- by twilight

The new London Bridge

The Thames- in all it's fury. Not a patch on the Bhramaputra, but intimidating all the same.

Westminister skyline

A Dali Sculpture.

The London eye. AKA a mother of a Ferris Wheel.

Buckingham Palace.

Deer. Richmond Park.

Nice, eh?

Rainy streets.

A break in the weather

another view of the eye. Notice the chopper circling it.

Trafalgar Square. We caught the beginnings of a Protest.

Nice Brit Pub near Trafalgar

Typically Rainy Afternoon...

... And then the sun peeks out.


J. Alfred Prufrock said...

Awesome mood pics.
I have a photo of that patch of green in the Tower, almost identical except that we were lucky enough to have some sun.

A student budget is probably the best way. Otherwise we'd miss the walking and busing that bring the city to life.


La vida Loca said...

Like 'em pics..vairy lovely

Sense's Lenses said...

J.A.P: thank ewe! of teh three days we were out, we had just One day of bright sunshine. I tell you, I've NEVER been so glad to see the sun!

Loca: ais, thank ewe vairy much!

Rajesh Rajoo said...

ayyo! waat elicopter? eye no see elicopter. wer u put rest oaf photos? more pliss!

Keshi said...

Lovely London!


~The Dream Catcher~ said...

I'v got a pic of the Rajabai Tower which looks exactly like the big ben by twilight

Varatanu said...

so u love london? got in touch with dingo?