Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Whoa, woe!

I was tagged by Loca and the rules are- I write 9 weird things about Self, Tag 6 others and leave comments on their blogs. Now admitted, this was done a good 3 months ago, but I seem to have stumbled across it just now, hence the post post-haste. which brings me to weird thing number 1.
I love limericks and funny verses. In fact I love it more than soulful poetry. Anyone can be soulful, I say, but it take a true genius to be flippannt in the company of Wordsworth nad Tennyson. That's why Nash rules. (With a name like Ogden, his parents didn't leave him much choice, did they? I mean, come on, can you think of 'Daffodils- by Ogden Nash' and still read it with the same countenance?)

I love food. But I'm not a gourmet. Now if that seems like a contardiction, it isn't. It's just that I'm as much a fan of the Vada Pav and Dhabeli as the Risotto and Wasabi. In fact a little more so, since the former is far lighter on the pocket than the latter.

I 'm one of the few women I know (women all over blogdom will be rolling up their sleeves at this) who honestly thinks that I have far too many things to wear. Really. My closet is bursting at the seams.

I'm also the woman who thinks you can never have enough socks though. I love socks. I try to collect one in every colour. I am hampered in ths quest by stern hubby, single-sock- eating washing machine and now, also joining the fray, kleptomaniac son. But I plod on, relentless in my quest.

I intend to try out sky diving soon. Quickly and on the sly before my son decides to emulate me.

I'm the queen of Freudian slips. Freud would have a field day with me. And I'd threaten to break his spine in five places if he so much as suggested that my mother was to blame for my oddities. I prefer laying the blame squarely on my brother who tormented me relentlessly throughout childhood.

I get a lot of Great Ideas while sitting on my throne. I don't know what it is about loos... (thye have to spotlessly clean though), but they inspire me to come up with some absolute winners.

I still dream of arriving at school in my underpants!

I might be married and a mother, but I still wouldn't advocate marriage for everyone. I'd much rather people live together in sin (is it a sin anymore?).
There. Nine thngs. Nine very uncomfortable things about me.
I'm leaving this open. no tagging. anyone who's interested can pick it up and run with it. Hope you don't scrape your knee in the process.


Anonymous said...

Hmph, the only reason you want people to live in sin is so you have some fodder for your comics from their ranting. I still haven't forgiven you for getting married...and to a man!

APOO said...

"I still dream of arriving at school in my underpants!"

Does that mean you always went without them? Damn! Those Girls Only Schools!

Anonymous said...

I might be married and a mother, but I still wouldn't advocate marriage for everyone...

you didnt advocate anything once you got to know about my engagement with iyeropatni... and you tell this now... exactly 2 wks from my marriage...

now that you have done that suggest some last minute running away tips :P

Anonymous said...

Seriously, what's weird about any of the things that you have said! I don't comprehend AT ALL.

La vida Loca said...

Laughing too hard to say anything.

Wait, I have a theory about getting good ideas while on the throne...since one is getting the large intestines evacuated, the blood flows better to the brain and hence the great ideas. What say?

Anonymous said...

@Loca: The theory is the mind is in a very focused state when one is on the pot; hence the influx of 'great' ideas. The ideas might be super crappy (not an intentional transferred epithet) but the mind is convinced that they are 'great'.

Sense's Lenses said...

smithy: True- but you wouldn't turn lesbian and I couldn't wait forever.

Apoo: now you know what to expect when you open that school of yours.

Iyer: there's always the 'living in sin' bit. I promise i won't spill the beans if anyone asks.

Brad: (comment 1) mystery behind why you're stil single solved!

(comment 2): ha! HA! wait til one of my throne-ideas makes a million bucks!

Loca: erm... isn't the brain located further north?

La vida Loca said...

Yaa brain is located up north but think of all the pressure created and released...
Never said it was based on actual physiology :P


Anonymous said...

Eh? Anyway FYI, I ain't single, btw. And again, what's weird about anything that you have written. They just seem normal to me.

Unknown said...

cool tag funny moma....

Sense's Lenses said...

Iceman: Danke! Hope you pick it up!