Monday, December 04, 2006

All in a Day's work

*Beep* *Beep* - said a beligerent phone at 2:30 am. Then only reason I even heard the darned thing was because I had just woken up to feed Pickwick. Mercifully, Pickwick slept right thru' the cacophony.
Muttering dire threats at whoever was at the other end, I picked up the phone to see who wished to commit Harakiri. 'Twas the boss. Or soon-to-be Boss. Darn. Plans of wanting to see the colour of his insides dropped. For now. (which reminds me of a classmate who once insisted on calling all our undies 'insides' for the duration of the entire study tour. These insides are not the insides I refer to in my post. Just in case a few random readers had similar thoughts)
Bleary eyed I read the message- and Goggle. The chap wants me to call up some female in the morning and tag along with her as she heads to office at the other side of town!!! You may well wonder why I goggled. I mean, that doesn't seem like such an absurd request, does it? Ah, but there were wheels, as they say, within wheels.
Let me start at the beginning. Skipping early evolution and other trivial matters, I shall move on to the matter in Q. After a nine-month hiatus, I had decided to join the ranks of the gainfully employed. My first day was supposed be the first of December. Boss-man- who's a Diliwallah was to make a trip a couple of days prior and get me up to speed, so to speak before tossing me into the thick of things. As luck would have it, Boss-man cometh and boss-man goeth- all without having an opportuinity to have the tete-a-tete. So, boss-man sayeth- No point starting tomorrow. Take the weekend to mull over material (which he promised he'd be sending over the mail), and start afresh Monday. Good, I say. Great, even. Weekend to prep up, and Monday morning, shall be In My Element.
By Sunday evening, the plan seems to have developed a slight flaw- no mail in sight from Boss-man. No answer to frantic phonecalls. Ah. Oh well, I think. Tomorrow we shall try again, I think.
Only, that night- at 2:30 to be precise is when Boss-man replies! Now you see why I goggle!
All right, no reason to panic. We shall meet aforementioned lady, and she will give me the goods, I think. Only, Lady is Late, has no clue who I am and what I'm there for.
Office isn't much better. No one in office knows I'm joining up. So naturally no one knows what I'm supposed to be doing. Er... I shall spent the day constructively blogging about it. And I would, only apparently, there are just so many workstations, and a tad too many people. Long tea breaks? Naah- the tea is delievered into your hands! So I now know every story that was printed in yesterday's paper. Go on- ask me what was printed on page 4 of the entertainment supplement. Or page 6 of the main supplement. I shall tell you verbatim. Still, there's only so much time you can spend with your nose buried in the newspaper. So I did the only thing any good new employee would do- disrupt Work and engage everyone in so much chit-chat that nothing constructive was done by anyone for the better part of the day. Finally deciding they've had enough of me, they politely told me I could leave early (they tried hinting at first, but I was too dense to get it. They had to spell it out for me).

This morning, trying to head off trouble early on, they have given me my own workstation. I think I'm going to like it here. They catch on quick.


La vida Loca said...

So does that mean this company "allows lactation breaks"? :D
Just quoting you form an old post :P ( I am that bitch who remembers everything :P)

Rajesh Rajoo said...

ayyo! waat happened to all fonts? they are weak, dying. something ees wrong. i knowing.

Sense's Lenses said...

Loca: Naah- but My son's has allowed me breaks from lactating... tee hee

Traveller: ewe hae changed machines/ ewe not see all fonts? ais ias... tis a sad malady

Tinkerbells said...

good luck on ur new job !!!waitin to hear entertainin stories from workplace :)

Anonymous said...

Well the weekend is here.. SO u Can now rest in peace!! ;)

Sense's Lenses said...

Tinkerbells: Thanks! and yes, I will post 'em, only I'm just hoping my boss doesn't stumble upon the post by accident....

Anjaan: yes... 'buried' upto my neck in dirty diapers now.

Varatanu said...

i need details

GP said...

It ws gr8 meeting u guys. A piece of advice - U shd enjoy all the "vela-time" u get when ppl (the delegating sorts!)hvnt yet noticed u (arnd office). Never know when such gr8 moments will come next :)

Anonymous said...

Hey, wt's ur orkut name. Will add u as friend.

GP said...

Tnx. Tried the id in orkut, couldn't find
Cheers! said... said...

Anonymous said... said...

Malayalees don't spend their lifetime for seeking a lifepartner, because they are members of

Anonymous said...

Malayalees don't spend their lifetime for seeking a Lifepartner, because they are members of