Sunday, April 23, 2006

Ode to My Mum

I know it looks like I've been doing nothing but making lists off late, but I promise,this will be the last one... for the time being.

You know it's unconditional love when...

...there's Poop or pee on every single dress you own, but you think your baby's smell ought to be bottled and sold as perfume.

...your nipples are cracked, sore and painful, but you allow you baby to chew on it meditatively so he can sleep peacefully haven't slept for more than two hours at a stretch since the baby was born, but you're wondering if 18 hours of sleep is enough for you baby, or is he suffering from sleep deprivation stop looking for yourself in family photos (and act of pure self-preservation, since you look like crap in all of them) and look for your baby instead think spiky, patchy hair is the best hairstyle God ever made can sleep thru' a deep purple concert, but spring into action at the tiniest wail wonder how people can confuse him with some other baby when he looks so distinctly unique! marvel at this miracle of God everytime your baby burps.'ve just emerged out of the feeding-pooping-peeing cycle and can sleep thru' the night for the first time in years and you say,'Wow! lets do the whole thing again!'

...Twenty-five years after you've done it twice over and thought you were finally finished with it, you sit up nights again- just because your daughter's going thru' it!

Thanks, Mum. I love you.


J. Alfred Prufrock said...

I have SOME idea of what you mean. But I did so hate the leaking-at-both-ends syndrome.

Wonder what happens when we go on vacation with the baby.


IdeaSmith said...

Ah....I so love this post...and this side of yourself that rarely turns up.

Rajesh Rajoo said...

u'r growing up. u must feel awful. do your new sox fit? mine has a darn in it. must be the bee. no?

Anonymous said...

got here via Kusum's link... and boy am I glad? :)
you have a way with words, expressions - completely gripping and mesmerizing...
truly wonderful. awesome! :)

Sense's Lenses said...

*blush* why thank you... as you can see- my skill with the english laguage has flourished undimmmed! lol.